Traditional food of West Java - Course Bahasa Indonesia

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Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Traditional food of West Java

Food Traditional West Java

West Java have food and traditional drinks are diverse and cater to the tastes of many people. Food and drink is generally prepared from raw ingredients into a dish that is enjoyed in many different ways. Let's get to know the cultural diversity of West Java through traditional food and beverage.

Food and Beverages Traditional West Java

Here is a list of traditional foods from various regions in West Java;


Traditional food of West Java
Traditional food of West Java

 Karedok or karedok is typical regional food in western Java. Karedok made with vegetable raw materials, among others; cucumber, bean sprouts, cabbage, beans, basil, and eggplant. While the sauce is peanut sauce made from red chili, garlic, kencur, peanuts, tamarind water, sugar, salt and shrimp paste.
karedoka certainly is a very healthy food and  very nice

2. Bandros

Traditional food of West Java
Traditional food of West Java

this typical snacks made from rice flour mixed with grated coconut and coconut milk. To be fragrant aroma, also add slightly pandan leaves in batter. Later in the bake about 5 minutes.before servered, this cake sprinkled with sugar. Cakes were glance this looks like a cake pukis match enjoyed the sweet tea or coffee


Traditional food of West Java
Traditional food of West Java

 Batagor (acronym of meatballs fried tofu) is a traditional food of West Java which is made with tofu wrapped in flour and fried in peanut sauce and a little trickle of jeruk nipis


Traditional food of West Java
Traditional food of West Java

Lotek is almost equal to pecel, namely foods such as fresh vegetables stew is watered dressing in the form of peanut sauce blended seasonings. Its uniqueness, as a sauce on the side nuts are often added tempeh and the marinade is added shrimp paste, brown sugar, and garlic. In general, lotek sweeter than pecel. In addition, if pecel sauce seasoning already premixed, for lotek newly added spice when it will be served. Lotek can be served with rice cake or warm, accompanied by crackers and fried onions.

5. Combro and Misro

Traditional food of West Java
Traditional food of West Java
 Combro and Misro is a typical food of West Java which is made from grated cassava. The difference is, the inside is filled with chili combro oncom, while Misro filled with brown sugar and then fried. That's why the name of this food combro and Misro. Because in Sundanese, combro an abbreviation of oncom in jero (oncom inside), and Misro stands in jero sweet (sweet inside). Both of these foods are very delicious eaten while still warm

6. gepuk
Traditional food of West Java
Traditional food of West Java

gepuk is a typical food of West Java which is made of beef, tasted a bit sweet and savory. Usually gepuk made with beef, sliced meat fibers and the direction of the half-boiled mateng, then in o'clock pm until slightly tender. Tender meat that had been soaked into the seasoning mixed with coconut milk. then boiled again until the coconut milk shrinking. If will be presented frying obese with a little oil until browned and lift.Gepuk will be better in the meal with warm rice and sauce that we provide.

Traditional food of West Java
Traditional food of West Java
7. Cireng

Cireng is a snack that comes from the Sunda region that is made by frying dough mix made from prime starch. The food is quite famous in the '80s. This food is comprised of starch, wheat flour, water, pepper, salt, garlic, soy, chives and cooking oil. These snacks are very popular Priangan, for now cireng not only famous in the area of origin, but already merahbah in hanpir all cities in Sumatra and Java. cireng sold in various forms and variations of flavor. cireng filled with a variety of toping such as chicken, sausage, fish, cheese, tofu, meat with spicy flavor and texture that dry gurih.dengan namunn slightly chewy with a sweet spicy sauce cocolan clear with a taste that is unbelievably tasty and cheap food prices is mandatory in trying


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