Indonesian Numbers and Rules for Writing Numbers in Indonesian - Course Bahasa Indonesia

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Friday, May 11, 2018

Indonesian Numbers and Rules for Writing Numbers in Indonesian

The Mention of Numbers in Indonesia From one to 1 trillion

Indonesian numbers 1 - 1 trillion
Indonesian numbers 1 - 1 trillion desgined by Ffeepik

to see Classroom Expressions in Indonesian klik here

In English


1. One Satu
2. Two Dua
3. Three Tiga
4. Four Empat
5. Five Lima
6. Six Enam
7. Seven Tujuh
8. Eight Delapan
9. Nine Sembilan
10. Ten Sepuluh
11. Eleven Sebelas
12. Twelve Dua belas
13. Thirteen Tiga belas
14. Fourteen Empat belas
15. Fifteen Lima belas
16. Sixteen Enam belas
17. Seventeen Tujuh belas
18. Eighteen Delapan belas
19. Nineteen Sembilan belas
20. Twenty Dua puluh
21. Twenty-one Dua puluh satu
22. Twenty-two Dua puluh dua
23. Twenty-thee Dua puluh tiga
24. Twenty-four Dua puluh empat
25. Twenty-five Dua puluh lima
26. Twenty-six Dua puluh enam
27. Twenty-seven Dua puluh tujuh
28. Twenty-eight Dua puluh delapan
29. Twenty-nine Dua puluh sembilan
30. Thirty Tiga puluh
31. Forty Empat Puluh
31. Fifty Lima puluh
32. Sixty Enam puluh
33. Seventy Tujuh puluh
34. Eighty Delapan puluh
35. Ninety Sembilan puluh
36. Hundred Seratus
37. Two hundred Dua ratus
38. Three hundred Tiga ratus
39. Four hundred Empat ratus
40. Five hundred Lima ratus
41. Thousand Seribu
42. Ten Thousand Sepuluh ribu
43. Hundred Thousand Seratus ribu
44. Million Satu Juta
45. Billion Satu Milyar
46. Trillion Satu Trilyun

Example of Numbers in Indonesian
1.997 =  one thousand nine hundred and ninety seven
              seribu sembilan ratus sembilan puluh tujuh

7.111.997 = tujuh juta seratus sebelas ribu sembilan ratus sembilan puluh tujuh
                 7        1        11            9             9          7

to see how to greeting in indonesian klik here

Rules For Writing Numbers in indonesian

can not be denied, if we will meet with numbers in every day, in indonesian we can declare a number with spelling out numbers vs. using figures (also called numerals). now course bahasa will tell you the rules how to writing numbers in indonesian.
Numbers in text that can be expressed with one or two words are written with letters, unless used in sequence as in the details 
  • Mereka menonton film sebanyak 3 kali
      They watched the movie three times.
  • Saya memiliki lebih dari dua juta kertas
       I have over two million papers
  • Di antara 20 anggota yang hadir, 9 tidak setuju, 10 setuju, dan 1 abstain
        Among the 20 members present, 9 disagreed, 10 agreed, and 1 abstained

Numbers at the beginning of a sentence are written with letters.
  • Tiga Pemenang lomba diundang ke lampung
       Three winners of the competition were invited to lampung.
  • fifty model students get scholarships from local government.
If the number at the beginning of a sentence can not be expressed in one or two words, the order of the sentence is changed.
  • the local government provides scholarships to 251 exemplary students
       Pemerintah daerah memberikan beasiswa kepada 251 siswa teladan

Figures showing large numbers can be written in part with letters to make them easier to read. 
  • Ia mendapatkan 250 milyar dolar untuk membangun usahanya
       He received 250 billion dollar to develop his business 
  • Perusahaan itu baru saja mendapat pinjaman 10 triliun rupiah.
       The company has just received a 10 trillion rupiah loan.

Figures used to indicate the length, weight, area, content, timing and value for money.
  •  0,9 sentimeter
  • 1 kilogram
  • 3 kilometer
  • 51 liter
  • 3 tahun 2 bulan 5 hari
  • 4 jam 25 menit
  • Rp200.500,00
  • US$200,50

Figures used to name the address, such as roads, houses, apartments, or rooms.
  • Jalan Kartini I No. 4 atau
  • Jalan H M.Salim I/5
  • Jalan Sultan Agung No. 45
  • Hotel Morison, Kamar 1495
Figures used to name part of a bouquet or verse of scripture. 
  • Bab V, Pasal 9, hal 100
  • Surah Ar-Rahman: 10
  • Markus 11: 1—5

Writing numbers that get the suffix -an (showing the time period) is done in the following way.

  • tahun 1950-an (tahun seribu sembilan ratus lima puluhan)

  • The number used as the element of the geographic name is written in letters.
    • Kelapadua
    • Kotonanampek
    • Rajaampat
    • Simpanglima
    • Tigaraksa
    write in the comment whether the sentence below corresponds to Rules for Writing Numbers in Indonesian

    1. saya membeli 25 hektare kebun anggur di kota bandar lampung dengan harga dua puluh milyar rupiah
    2. Pak Arief memiliki 6 kendaraan diantaranya 2 mobil dan empat motor

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