Classroom Expressions in Indonesian - Course Bahasa Indonesia

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Sunday, May 6, 2018

Classroom Expressions in Indonesian

Example of Indonesian Language Dialog in Class

Classroom Expressions in Indonesian
Classroom Expressions in Indonesian

Word to memorize


in Indoneisan

Come in Masuk
Sit down Duduk
Stand up Berdiri
Close Tutup
Open Buka
Understand Mengerti/Paham
Question Pertanyaan
Begin Mulai
End berakhir
Thank you Trimakasih
Wellcome sama sama
Listen dengarkan
Read Baca
Book Buku

Before we start the dialog, its better you memorize the common word in indonesian.if you already memorize it then lets understand the conversation below.

Arief      : maaf  bolehkah saya masuk?
                sorry can I come in?

Hidayat  :iya, silahkan masuk
                yes, come in please

Hidayat  : Silahkan duduk
                 sit down please

Arief      : Trimakasih Hidayat
                Thank you Hidayat?

Hidayat  : Buka buku mu
                 open your book

Hidayat  : Baca bab 1
                 Read chapter 1

Arief      : Bolehkah saya bertanya satu pertanyaan
                may i ask a question

Arief      : Apa arti ungkapan ini
                what does this phrase mean

this dialog tells us about a person named arief just arrived and he asked for permission to enter the classroom. then hidayat allow it and told arief to open the book in chapter 1. then arief asked the hidayat about a phrase.

to know objects in the classroom in Indonesian klick here

which must be known in the Indonesian language there is no change in verbs like irregular and regular verbs. there is only added affix of a word 


  1. thanks ini salahsatu kelemahan saya ketika berlibur ke tempat pariwisata internasional di indonesia

  2. thanks artikel ini sangat membantu saya


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