Greetings in Indonesian - Course Bahasa Indonesia

Course Bahasa Indonesia

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Sunday, May 6, 2018

Greetings in Indonesian

Greeting is an activity that is very common we do. almost every day we do it. with a greeting will strengthen our relationship with the other person. here is a greeting that can help you in speaking indonesian language.

Greetings in Indonesian
Greeting in indonesian Designed by Freepik 

lets try this greeting to memorized

Greetings in Bahasa


Halo Hello
Selamat Pagi Good Morning
Selamat Sore Good Evening
Selamat Malam Good Night
Apa Kabar How are you?
Sangat Baik Very Well

("Hello" in Indonesian language "halo")  halo is used when speaking on the telephone, Indonesian people more often use  ("Hi" in indoenesian language "Hai")  to greet when face to face. after that just added word good morning / afternoon / evening / night. we can also say assalamualaikum to greet someone as well as pray for salvation and welfare to the other person. the answer of assalamualaikum is waalaikumussalam or waalaikum salam

Sample greetings in Indonesian

Sample greetings 1.

Greeting: Hai Assalamualaikum Pak Arief
                 hi Assalamualaikum Mr Arief

Answer : Hai Waalaikum Salam Pak Budi
                Hi   Walalaikum salam Mr budi

Greeting : Apa kabar pak?
                 how are you?

Answer : Alhamdulillah, Sangat Baik
                Thanks to Allah, Very Well 

Sample greetings 2.

Greeting: Hai (Embak) Rahma Selamat Pagi/siang/sore/malam.
                 hi (older sister) Rahma good morning/afternoon/evening/night.

Answer : Hai (adek ku) Selamat Pagi/siang/sore/malam.
                Hi (my young sister) Selamat Pagi/siang/sore/malam.

Greeting : Bagaimana Kabarnya adek ku?
                 how are you my young sister?

Answer : Alhamdulillah, Aku Sehat
                Thanks to Allah, I'm fine
in Indonesia is very respectful of age differences. when we call our daughters with "adek" calls, it shows our affection to hers. it would be rude to call an elder without  (Pak /Bapak) to a man of the same age as our father and (Bu/Ibu) to a woman of our mother's age.
to see how to call other people with age difference click here.

the above sentence is an example of a greeting with people we already know. what if we do not know him? I will give an example of how to get acquainted. This is how to get acquainted

Klik on Classroom Expressions in Indonesian

hai assalamualaikum
hi assalamualaikum
Nama saya arief                    //introduce name
My Name is Arief
Siapa Nama mu?                   //asking name
What is your name

Sampai Jumpa besok
See you tomorrow

Selamat tinggal
good bye

Senang Berkenalan dengan anda
pleasure to know you

to know how to meet other people more complete click here.

Next step
after greeting, usually in Indonesia we ask the situation of the person closest to the person we are talking to

Bagaimana kabar Ibu mu?
How's your mother

Bagaimana kabar istri anda?
how's your wife

Bagaimana kabar ayah anda?
how's your wife

Bagaimana kabar anak laki laki anda?
how's your son

the answer 

Ibu ku baik baik saja
Ibu ku sehat
Alhamdulillah ibu sehat
ibu ku sehat wal afiat
ibu ku segar bugar
all of them mean (my mother very well)

after that you can give your wishes of the person closest to the person we are talking to
Tolong sampaikan salam ku pada ibu mu
please give her my best wishes

the last say goodbye in indonesian language
Sampai jumpa,
Selamat jalan,
Selamat tinggal

clikc here to see indonesian numbers 
the other expresion

Sampai jumpa nanti
See you later

Sampai jumpa besok
See you tomorrow

Sampai nanti malam
See you to night


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