Beautiful Beaches In Malang Mandatory You Explore - Course Bahasa Indonesia

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Saturday, April 2, 2016

Beautiful Beaches In Malang Mandatory You Explore

Actually a lot of beaches located in Malang which has beautiful natural scenery and charming, but this time I will present a list of 9 beaches in the city of  malang who have super charming scenery.

1. Pantai Tiga Warna, Malang.

Beautiful Beaches In Malang
Beautiful Beaches In Malang
the reason why this beach called 3  warna is because this beach have 3 collor .tiga warna beach is also commonly referred to as raja ampat Malang, because tiga warna beach does have characteristics very similar to Raja Ampat in Papua with beautiful marine life that will spoil the eyes of visitors.

On this beach preservation of nature also still awake, it seemed expanse of forest conservation for a number of mangrove plants are now rare. Given the Three Colours beach area is a conservation area for the sake of preserving this coast, only 100 visitors per day are allowed to enjoy the beautiful tiga warna beach's .

2. Bajul Mati Beach, Exotic Beach in Malang.
Beautiful Beaches In Malang
Beautiful Beaches In Malang

Bajul mati beach is located in the village of Bajul mati, Gajah Rejo, Gedangan, Malang. Bajul mati beach location is about 58 km from downtown Malang or just 10 minutes by automobile from Goa beach China.
The advantages of the
bajul mati beach is cove where very stunning eyes. Not only that, because this Bajul mati beach also offers a beauty dish cluster of hills that is located opposite the beach which will make the visitors spellbound.
Not only do many serve as attractions, beaches Dead pickpocket is also a place to conduct camping activities so visitors can enjoy the sunset while waiting for the evening while maintaining sustainability

3. Goa China beach, Heaven Coastal Maritime In Malang. 

Beautiful Beaches In Malang
Beautiful Beaches In Malang

China Goa beach location in Trowotratih, Sitiarjo, Sumbermanjing Wetan and still within walking distance of the Blue Spring. The distance covered from Blue Spring Beach is only approximately 6 km.

Goa beach of China is still keeping the natural beauty that maintained continuity. In addition, China's Goa beach has white sand beach which is very soft when trampled by foot we were very charming.

Not only that, because around Goa beach China presents a combination of crystal clear sea water in Goa beach China. China in Goa beach, you can enjoy how beautiful scenery Sunrise.

4. Balekambang Beach, Tanah Lot Twinning Ala Malang.

Beautiful Beaches In Malang
Beautiful Beaches In Malang
Many people who dub this Balekambang Beach as Tanah Lot ala Malang. It is not without reason because the existence of the temple on a small island across from the beach which is used as a Hindu place of worship is very similar to what is contained in Tanah Lot in Bali.

To reach the small island across from the beach is not difficult because there is a bridge that stretches from coastal areas to the small island that is used as a link for those who want to go to the temple. You can also enjoy the beautiful panorama when the sun goes down.

5. Beach Ngliyep Malang - The Coastal Make sleepy.

Beautiful Beaches In Malang
Beautiful Beaches In Malang

do not be afraid if you're sleepy while on the beach, with fresh air and the wind that blows a gentle breeze that you must have been to this beach will be in her comfortable and immediately want to sleep on this beach 
One of the unique in terms of culture which you can see in this Ngliyep beach is on every date of the 14th month Maulud (Rabi months early), Turkish Ngliyep will be more crowded than normal, because at this time have been routinely labuhan events are held.

Events Labuhan itself is a cultural ritual indigenous Javanese form of the event of salvation with how to slaughter a goat or a cow, and after it the wherewithal to communities around the beach area, with a visit here the tourists will be greeted with the customary indigenous local area in a given month.

6. Sipelot beach, Malang.
Beautiful Beaches In Malang
Beautiful Beaches In Malang

beach name Sipelot maybe you've never heard before, Turkish Sipelot is located in the village Pujiharjo. This may be caused by the visitors can not swim due to surf conditions in Turkish Sipelot is large enough so it is quite dangerous for the safety of the visitors who are forced to swim in Turkish Sipelot, but for those of you lovers of surfers maybe this beach can be made in the alternative for satisfying your surfing hobby
But despite all this Sipelot beach has a very beautiful scenery so many people who think a lot of beach Sipelot a very good spot to take pictures because it has a very charming


 7. jembatan panjang beach, Malang.

Beautiful Beaches In Malang
Beautiful Beaches In Malang
If you've ever been to beach Balekambang then you also of course you will see Long beach Bridge, it is because the location of this Pajang Bridge beach which is adjacent to the beach Balekambang, more precisely located in the western part Balekambang Beach.

Conditions around the coast Pajang bridge is very beautiful, because the area around the bridge Pajang beach is surrounded by a wide variety of trees that create beautiful scenery of this beach. The distinctive feature of this beach is where the old bridge long and are broken that was used to cross to the other side of the beautiful island.

8.  Kondang Merak beach Full of Charm
Beautiful Beaches In Malang
Beautiful Beaches In Malang

Beach Kondang Merak has so seductive scenery with views of the coastline quite long, which is about 800 meters that will make you satisfied in exploring the beauty of the beautiful beaches in this poor district.
Merak Kondang Beach has a natural landscape very beautiful beach. How not, because when you first arrived in Turkish Kondang Merak then the existence of pristine white sand beaches as well as the presence of trees that grow lined up on the beach that will make you amazed and feel comfortable with the atmosphere in Turkish Kondang Merak.
Merak Kondang Beach has a slightly mossy conditions and there are many coral reefs, sponge, until the mussels and other marine life that live in habitats around the coast Kondang Merak.


9.Gatra beach,Awake And Cleanest Top Destinations in South Malang.

Beautiful Beaches In Malang
Beautiful Beaches In Malang
 gatra beach is a beach located in the administrative area of ​​the hamlet of Blue Spring in the village Sitiharjo, Sumbermanjing Wetan, Malang. In accordance with village regulations have been agreed and stipulated joint stating that this area has been used as a buffer zone and the status of protected forest.This area once had a dark history in the past, namely in the post-reform era, the region where his condition was much changed conditions that initially a dense mangrove turned into a stretch of agricultural land owned by the community.Slot beach is a beach practically still new compared to other beaches in Malang. But about its beauty, beaches gatra is not inferior to other beaches on the southern coast of the island of Java. Viewed from the natural beauty of this gatra Beach, it could be a new option for take of a weekend getaway with the family.Slot beach is a beach hidden, but also a very clean beach of trash visitors. This is because this is the beach Beach Slot managed with the aim to preserve, and not concerned with how many visitors and the amount of rupiah amount of donations given by visitors. manager of this beach will only give permission to enter gatra beach just to the visitors aware of hygiene and environmental sustainability.And if you find garbage in coastal areas , is almost certain that the garbage is not from gatra Turkish visitors but from marine litter originating from elsewhere stranded in coastal areas gatra.But if this really is the act of beachgoers Slot, it will be the same visitor will get strong action from the beach attendants and provides penalties in accordance with the agreement and order that is enforced strictly since you entered from the post entrance


  1. Beautiful day with watching natural.

    Thanks your share, i am so happy.

    1. Thats true, malang have beautiful beach with watching natural

  2. Replies
    1. Thank you, the beaches its very beautiful, like my girl rahma

  3. steady vro, so insight and knowledge :v

  4. wow indah banget gan... jadi pengen ke jembatan panjang beach malang...

    1. Thats true dud, jembatan malang beach is very beautiful

  5. Indonesian is best because of indonesia have beautiful beaches like malang beach


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